The story then follows Hiro and his fight to defend Hime, continuous target of infernal assassins sent to kill his brothers who compete with her to get the throne of the Kingdom of Monsters.
The boy Hiro Hiyorimi is moved to the city to meet his sister. However, there he suffers an accident in which he dies. As he dies, he sees a young woman, in the Gothic-Lolita -style dress, which he finally revived. He wakes up in the morgue of the hospital and meets shortly after the woman. It fights against wolf-like creatures and designated him as their servant, to help.
The boy Hiro Hiyorimi is moved to the city to meet his sister. However, there he suffers an accident in which he dies. As he dies, he sees a young woman, in the Gothic-Lolita -style dress, which he finally revived. He wakes up in the morgue of the hospital and meets shortly after the woman. It fights against wolf-like creatures and designated him as their servant, to help.