Phi Brain: Kami no Puzzle is a television series anime of 2011 produced by Sunrise and broadcast on NHK from October 2, 2011 and September 23, 2012, with a third season to air in 2013. The anime has been licensed in North America by Sentai Filmworks.
The story revolves around Kaito, a new Root Academy student, who is fond of puzzles. He is selected as a candidate for "Phi Brain" for his incredible mental abilities. One day he and his childhood friend Nonoha found in some nearby ruins the academy what is known as the "philosopher's puzzle".
The story revolves around Kaito, a new Root Academy student, who is fond of puzzles. He is selected as a candidate for "Phi Brain" for his incredible mental abilities. One day he and his childhood friend Nonoha found in some nearby ruins the academy what is known as the "philosopher's puzzle".