Outbreak Company: Moeru Shinryakush is a Japanese novel series by Ichirou Sakaki. An anime television series adaptation, produced by Feel and directed by Kei Oikawa, aired from October 3 to December 19, 2013, on TBS and later on MBS, CBC, BS-TBS.
Shinichi Kanou is an unemployed, reclusive otaku. When he finds a job ad on the Internet one day, he will be invited for an interview due to his vast knowledge of anime, manga and video games. But after the meeting with his new employer, he is kidnapped and wakes up in a fantasy world, live in the elves and flying kites. Shinichi learns that he was chosen by the Japanese government to improve relations between the two countries. For this, a company is formed, which sells unique products of Japanese culture in this unexplored market.
Shinichi Kanou is an unemployed, reclusive otaku. When he finds a job ad on the Internet one day, he will be invited for an interview due to his vast knowledge of anime, manga and video games. But after the meeting with his new employer, he is kidnapped and wakes up in a fantasy world, live in the elves and flying kites. Shinichi learns that he was chosen by the Japanese government to improve relations between the two countries. For this, a company is formed, which sells unique products of Japanese culture in this unexplored market.