No-Rin is a Japanese light novel series written by Shirow Shiratori, with illustrations by Kippu. An anime adaptation by Silver Link began airing on January 10, 2014.
The story centers on Kousaku Hata, a fanatic teen idol of Yuka Kusakabe. One day, Yuka announces her retirement from the stage and Kousaku stop going to school because of the great impact it costing them. However, after her friends convince him to get back to her normal life, Yuka comes to class after enrolling in their school, Tamo Agriculture. This will be a great opportunity to better Kousaku meet the girl of his dreams.
The story centers on Kousaku Hata, a fanatic teen idol of Yuka Kusakabe. One day, Yuka announces her retirement from the stage and Kousaku stop going to school because of the great impact it costing them. However, after her friends convince him to get back to her normal life, Yuka comes to class after enrolling in their school, Tamo Agriculture. This will be a great opportunity to better Kousaku meet the girl of his dreams.