Noragam is a manga written and drawn by mangaka duo AdachiToka. An adaptation animated television series produced by Studio Bones aired between January and March 2014.
Yato is a wandering god forgotten by humans. He travels Japan to execute the wishes of mortals in the hope of converting enough faithful to finally have a temple to honor and worship worthy of its name. His fate is found upset the day he meets a schoolgirl, Iki Hiyori, who risks his life to save a road accident. This event transforms half ghost and determined to return to normal, she decided to follow Yato until he agreed to solve the problem.
Yato is a wandering god forgotten by humans. He travels Japan to execute the wishes of mortals in the hope of converting enough faithful to finally have a temple to honor and worship worthy of its name. His fate is found upset the day he meets a schoolgirl, Iki Hiyori, who risks his life to save a road accident. This event transforms half ghost and determined to return to normal, she decided to follow Yato until he agreed to solve the problem.