Miniskirt Space Pirates is a series of Light_novel written by Yuichi Sasamoto. An adaptation animated series is produced by Satelight under the title Bodacious Space Pirates.
In a future where space travel is commonplace, Marika Kato is a young student who leads an ordinary life as a member of the club of space sail and works part time in a maid cafe retro. One day, she learns of the death of his father, who turns out to be a space pirate with a letter of marque (a pirate ). Marika legally becomes the captain of the ship "The Bentenmaru."
In a future where space travel is commonplace, Marika Kato is a young student who leads an ordinary life as a member of the club of space sail and works part time in a maid cafe retro. One day, she learns of the death of his father, who turns out to be a space pirate with a letter of marque (a pirate ). Marika legally becomes the captain of the ship "The Bentenmaru."