This anime revolves around the life of a 17-year-old named Subaru Konoe, who is the steward of one of her classmates, Kanade Suzutsuki. The story takes a dramatic turn when a boy named Kinjiro Sakamachi discovers Subaru's well protected secret: that "he" is actually a girl.
The mother of the protagonist Kindziro whose name Akemi is so strong that it is unable to find a worthy opponent, after it began to study martial arts and sister Kindziro, Kureha. In this case, it fulfills its tricks on his brother.
The mother of the protagonist Kindziro whose name Akemi is so strong that it is unable to find a worthy opponent, after it began to study martial arts and sister Kindziro, Kureha. In this case, it fulfills its tricks on his brother.