The series follows the adventures of a group of elementary school children become apprentice witches on their way to achieving the title of witch. The anime has four seasons; Magical Doremi (Ojamajo Doremi), Ojamajo Doremi Sharp, Mo ~ tto! Ojamajo Doremi and Ojamajo Doremi Dokka ~ n!
Doremi, a simple schoolgirl is said to be the most unhappy girl in the world, until she unknowingly moves into a magic shop run by Maggie the witch and fairy grigri Lala. Doremi transforms unintentionally witch in a kind of small frog, and to deliver this spell is forced to become his apprentice witch.
Doremi, a simple schoolgirl is said to be the most unhappy girl in the world, until she unknowingly moves into a magic shop run by Maggie the witch and fairy grigri Lala. Doremi transforms unintentionally witch in a kind of small frog, and to deliver this spell is forced to become his apprentice witch.