Macross F is an anime - TV series from the Macross - TV and movie universe. It is a continuation of the OVA series Macross Dynamite 7. Sets as in the previous productions Macross Frontier on a love triangle between the main characters.
In the fictional future of the year 2047 AD, the human race is spreading along with the Zentradi, the former enemies, with large fleets across the galaxy. The fleets fall again under heavy attack by the Vajra, an alien race that an insect colony. Although this species is scattered over large parts of the galaxy, individuals can fold over so-called Waves communicate that an exchange of information allow the faster than light is.
In the fictional future of the year 2047 AD, the human race is spreading along with the Zentradi, the former enemies, with large fleets across the galaxy. The fleets fall again under heavy attack by the Vajra, an alien race that an insect colony. Although this species is scattered over large parts of the galaxy, individuals can fold over so-called Waves communicate that an exchange of information allow the faster than light is.