It tells the story of Keitaro Urashima and his attempts to find the girl with whom he had promised a child to integrate the University of Tokyo.
This anime is a comedy genre shonen that takes place in the prefecture of Kanagawa, focuses on the nineteen Keitaro, who tries in every way to pass the entrance exam to get into the more prestigious University of Tokyo (the Todai) due to a promise as a child to her friend of games where he does not remember the name: the promise was that it be able to become students of the university in order to be happy together forever.
This anime is a comedy genre shonen that takes place in the prefecture of Kanagawa, focuses on the nineteen Keitaro, who tries in every way to pass the entrance exam to get into the more prestigious University of Tokyo (the Todai) due to a promise as a child to her friend of games where he does not remember the name: the promise was that it be able to become students of the university in order to be happy together forever.