The game was adapted into a television series anime by the same name, which begins in July, 2012. A side story entitled Arcana Family: Yureisen no Majutsushi will be published in June, 2012 with two new characters: Ash and Joshua for the PSP.
Arcana Famiglia is an organization that protects Gift, a beautiful island. The family is responsible for a long time to protect the business, safety and health to the people of the island. Now the leader of the family "Papa" is planning to retire, so to choose his successor will launch a tournament called "Arcana Duello."
Arcana Famiglia is an organization that protects Gift, a beautiful island. The family is responsible for a long time to protect the business, safety and health to the people of the island. Now the leader of the family "Papa" is planning to retire, so to choose his successor will launch a tournament called "Arcana Duello."