Beyond the Boundary is a series of light novels written by Nagomu Japanese Torii, while the illustrations done by Chise Kamoi. This work gained Honorable Mention in the competition Kyoto Animation Award in 2011. Kyoto Animation has published three volumes since June 2012. An anime adaptation of the novel begin airing by Kyoto Animation since October 2, 2013.
One day, a high school student named Akihito, an instinctual student who is trying to save his school mate, Mirai Kuriyama, of suicide attempts. He decides to save her, running on the roof of the school and asks a girl to do this, in response to which she stabs him with his sword. After learning that Mirai is a Warrior of the Spiritual World and the last survivor of his clan, both their lives are intertwined forever.
One day, a high school student named Akihito, an instinctual student who is trying to save his school mate, Mirai Kuriyama, of suicide attempts. He decides to save her, running on the roof of the school and asks a girl to do this, in response to which she stabs him with his sword. After learning that Mirai is a Warrior of the Spiritual World and the last survivor of his clan, both their lives are intertwined forever.