A 12-episode anime adaptation was produced Studio Gokumi, with direction by Tensho and character design by Kazuyuki Ueda. The series aired in Japan on AT-X between July 6 and September 21, 2013. A second season, titled Hello!! Kin-iro Mosaic, will begin airing in April 2015.
The story begins with Oomiya Shinobu, at age 15, apparently pure Japanese girl who actually makes a living in Britain . Even after his return to Japan , she still misses her time abroad. One day a letter arrived by plane from Alice, daughter of Shinobu host family in Britain. The letter reads : Shinobu , I arrive in Japan! Mixed Comedy, Japanese Girls / UK following Shinobu life, Alice, and other girls from Japan and Britain.
The story begins with Oomiya Shinobu, at age 15, apparently pure Japanese girl who actually makes a living in Britain . Even after his return to Japan , she still misses her time abroad. One day a letter arrived by plane from Alice, daughter of Shinobu host family in Britain. The letter reads : Shinobu , I arrive in Japan! Mixed Comedy, Japanese Girls / UK following Shinobu life, Alice, and other girls from Japan and Britain.