Baby, please kill me is a Japanese four-frames manga series written and drawn by Kaduho. An adaptation anime was conducted by JCStaff in January 2012, ending in March of that year. The story is about the school life of three young ladies, a professional killer, a clumsy young professional and a ninja, in strange comic situations.
It tells the life of Sonya and Yasuna two classmates. The first is a killer and tries to integrate but usually fails when his instinct murderer returns to gallop. Yasuna, meanwhile, is doing everything to be friends with Sonya, but always ends up getting hit by it.
It tells the life of Sonya and Yasuna two classmates. The first is a killer and tries to integrate but usually fails when his instinct murderer returns to gallop. Yasuna, meanwhile, is doing everything to be friends with Sonya, but always ends up getting hit by it.