K (K Project) is a series of anime produced by studios GoHands May and directed by Shingo Suzuki, who also serves as the designer of the characters. It began airing on chains MBS, TBS and CBC in Japan on October 4 of 2012 and the video site VizAnime.
The main character is Yashiro Isan of Asinaka high-school student. Suddenly, in the normal school day, it begins the hunt from the Red and Blue clans, as well as from Yatogami Kuro, who is a former pupil of colorless king.
The main character is Yashiro Isan of Asinaka high-school student. Suddenly, in the normal school day, it begins the hunt from the Red and Blue clans, as well as from Yatogami Kuro, who is a former pupil of colorless king.