The story of Hunter x Hunter can be divided into several parts, marked by the common goals of the characters that punctuate the main quest Gon looking for his father.
Gon Freecss almost twelve years, and his dream is to become a hunter. The hunters are adventurers elite may be bounty hunters, chefs cook, archaeologists, zoologists, vigilantes or consultants in various fields. His father, Jin Freecss , he does not know directly, is one of the greatest hunters of its time. This is also the finding that Gon wants to become hunter.
Gon Freecss almost twelve years, and his dream is to become a hunter. The hunters are adventurers elite may be bounty hunters, chefs cook, archaeologists, zoologists, vigilantes or consultants in various fields. His father, Jin Freecss , he does not know directly, is one of the greatest hunters of its time. This is also the finding that Gon wants to become hunter.