HappinessCharge Precure is the 11th season of the animated saga Pretty Cure. Produced by Toei Animation, the series premiered on February 2 of 2014 to replace Doki Doki! PreCure, the tenth season of Pretty Cure. This series is an alternate to the previous ten seasons of Pretty Cure story.
All over the world, all the Pretty Cures fought against the invasion of the enemy known to Saiark! Shirayuki Hime, Princess Blue Sky Kingdom is actually a Pretty Cure, but unable to defeat the enemy alone, she fell behind the other and is in a critical situation.
All over the world, all the Pretty Cures fought against the invasion of the enemy known to Saiark! Shirayuki Hime, Princess Blue Sky Kingdom is actually a Pretty Cure, but unable to defeat the enemy alone, she fell behind the other and is in a critical situation.