Haitai Nanafa is a television series anime directed by Hiroshi Kimura. It was broadcast for the first time in Japan since October 6, 2012 on Ryukyu Asahi Broadcasting. A second season of 13 episodes was broadcast from 6 April to 29 June 2013.
The story of the anime revolves around Nanafa Kyan, a lively little girls middle school, who works at the restaurant soba grandmother's two sisters and has a bigger with great charm and a smaller one, however able to warn the supernatural forces. The life of Nanafa and her family changes when their house becomes the stage for the appearance of numerous spirits.
The story of the anime revolves around Nanafa Kyan, a lively little girls middle school, who works at the restaurant soba grandmother's two sisters and has a bigger with great charm and a smaller one, however able to warn the supernatural forces. The life of Nanafa and her family changes when their house becomes the stage for the appearance of numerous spirits.