"My Mental Choices are Completely Interfering with my School Romantic Comedy", also known by the abbreviation Noucome, is an anime television series, directed by Takayuki Inagaki and produced by Diomedea. This anime is aired between October and December 2013.
Kanade Amakusa is cursed with a mental force called "absolute choices". In everyday life suddenly a multiple-choice quiz deals with the mind, forcing him to select an option, which surely will become a reality. For example, will have to choose whether to go to school bare-chested or naked from the waist down. One day these options are proposed: a beautiful girl will fall before him and he will fall off the roof dressed as a woman. Of course, choose the first option and, thus, meet the attractive blonde Chocolat.
Kanade Amakusa is cursed with a mental force called "absolute choices". In everyday life suddenly a multiple-choice quiz deals with the mind, forcing him to select an option, which surely will become a reality. For example, will have to choose whether to go to school bare-chested or naked from the waist down. One day these options are proposed: a beautiful girl will fall before him and he will fall off the roof dressed as a woman. Of course, choose the first option and, thus, meet the attractive blonde Chocolat.