The anime adaptation by the studio Shaft, began airing on April 15, 2011. It tells a humorous way the story of a patient suffering from a mental disorder girl and the surrounding influences from the perspective of a student about the same age, which helps them way back to a normal life.
The story revolves around a high school student named Niwa Makoto. His parents are on a business trip, so it is sent to live with Towa Meme, his paternal aunt. There he discovers that he has a cousin, a mysterious girl his own age named Towa Erio, who is always wrapped in a futon and calls himself an alien.
The story revolves around a high school student named Niwa Makoto. His parents are on a business trip, so it is sent to live with Towa Meme, his paternal aunt. There he discovers that he has a cousin, a mysterious girl his own age named Towa Erio, who is always wrapped in a futon and calls himself an alien.