Date a Live is a series of light novels written by and illustrated by Tachibana Koshi Tsunako. An adaptation to anime was produced by studio AIC PLUS + and began airing on March 30, 2013 streaming on Nico Nico Douga.
Thirty years ago, a strange phenomenon called spatial earthquake devastated the center of Eurasia, taking the lives of at least 150 million people. Since then, small earthquakes have been apparent space around the world. Itsuka Shido, a seemingly normal high school student meets a girl at the epicenter of an earthquake space and is informed by his sister Kotori that this girl is one of the spirits who cause earthquakes space when they appear in the world.
Thirty years ago, a strange phenomenon called spatial earthquake devastated the center of Eurasia, taking the lives of at least 150 million people. Since then, small earthquakes have been apparent space around the world. Itsuka Shido, a seemingly normal high school student meets a girl at the epicenter of an earthquake space and is informed by his sister Kotori that this girl is one of the spirits who cause earthquakes space when they appear in the world.