Cowboy Bebop is a 26-part anime series, in 1998 in Japan and in 2001 in the United States aired and enjoyed high popularity. The anime is about the adventures of a group of bounty hunters, called "cowboys", the follow up in 2071 with a spaceship (bebop) their stores.
In 2021, a series of rings was constructed, which made it possible to travel fast in hyperspace through the solar system and colonize other worlds. However, due to a defect in the ring system, which was largely ignored by the gate Company, there was an explosion of the Rings, which the earth have joined with the rest of the solar system.
In 2021, a series of rings was constructed, which made it possible to travel fast in hyperspace through the solar system and colonize other worlds. However, due to a defect in the ring system, which was largely ignored by the gate Company, there was an explosion of the Rings, which the earth have joined with the rest of the solar system.