This anime is a Japanese mecha television series produced by Sunrise. It began airing from January 5, 2014. The first episode was pre-aired on December 29, 2013. A manga adaptation began serialization in ASCII Media Works' Dengeki Daioh from January 27, 2014.
Aoba Watase lived an average, everyday life commuting to high school in the city. On the first day of classes after summer break, Aoba headed to school just like he did every year, but certain events lead him to meet one young boy. The young boy's name was Jyunyou Dio Weinberg, and together, they would change the fate of the world.
Aoba Watase lived an average, everyday life commuting to high school in the city. On the first day of classes after summer break, Aoba headed to school just like he did every year, but certain events lead him to meet one young boy. The young boy's name was Jyunyou Dio Weinberg, and together, they would change the fate of the world.