The story centers on Koyomi Araragi, a third year high school student who has recently survived the first attack by a vampire , and finds himself in all kinds of appearance: gods, ghosts, mythological beasts and spirits.
Bakemonogatari centers on Koyomi Araragi, a third year high school student who is almost completely returned after becoming human for a short time vampire . One day, a classmate named Hitagi Senjogahara, known not to talk to anyone, falls down the stairs into the arms of running out Koyomi. He turns out that the weight of the companion is almost nil, defying the laws of physics.
Bakemonogatari centers on Koyomi Araragi, a third year high school student who is almost completely returned after becoming human for a short time vampire . One day, a classmate named Hitagi Senjogahara, known not to talk to anyone, falls down the stairs into the arms of running out Koyomi. He turns out that the weight of the companion is almost nil, defying the laws of physics.