Shingeki no Kyojin is a manga written and illustrated by Hajime Isayama. It is being adapted into anime since April 2013 by Wit Studio.
There are about a hundred years, the Giants almost entirely exterminated humanity, forcing him to return to the technology of the Middle Ages. The giants who generally measure several meters high, do not seem to have any trace of human intelligence and eat for pleasure and not for food. The few humans who survived the massacre did so by taking refuge in an area surrounded by a number so high that even the largest of the giant walls can not see over. The remaining population is a little over a million inhabitants.
There are about a hundred years, the Giants almost entirely exterminated humanity, forcing him to return to the technology of the Middle Ages. The giants who generally measure several meters high, do not seem to have any trace of human intelligence and eat for pleasure and not for food. The few humans who survived the massacre did so by taking refuge in an area surrounded by a number so high that even the largest of the giant walls can not see over. The remaining population is a little over a million inhabitants.