Ao Haru Ride is a manga written and drawn by Io Sakisaka. An adaptation animated television series produced by the studio Production IG is broadcast between July and September 2014 on Tokyo MX.
he student Yoshioka Futaba comes to the high school and want to change their way of life here. In middle school, she was a dear, sweet girl, which many were jealous and was therefore excluded. Her classmates Tanaka, into which they had fallen in love, she could never confess her love. Therefore, it now wants to behave less "girly". But Futaba meets at the new school Tanaka again. She learns from him that he loved her before as well, but now no more.
he student Yoshioka Futaba comes to the high school and want to change their way of life here. In middle school, she was a dear, sweet girl, which many were jealous and was therefore excluded. Her classmates Tanaka, into which they had fallen in love, she could never confess her love. Therefore, it now wants to behave less "girly". But Futaba meets at the new school Tanaka again. She learns from him that he loved her before as well, but now no more.