The manga tells the odd school adventures of four elementary school girls: Run Momoki, Toru Ichii, Yuko Nishi and Nagisa Tennoji. The manga has also had an animated transposition with a series anime of 12 episodes aired in 2011.
The manga begins at the time when Run is taken in the second grade at the school and Toru finally can attend the same school, even though it is a class below it. They have to do an awful for her first statement. Run has been able to win in the meantime two new girlfriends. These are Yuuko "Yuko" Nishi and Nagisa "Nagi" Tennoji, which looks at particular Toru and Yuuko as rivals for the love to run.
The manga begins at the time when Run is taken in the second grade at the school and Toru finally can attend the same school, even though it is a class below it. They have to do an awful for her first statement. Run has been able to win in the meantime two new girlfriends. These are Yuuko "Yuko" Nishi and Nagisa "Nagi" Tennoji, which looks at particular Toru and Yuuko as rivals for the love to run.