Anything about Anime, Cosplay, Console Games, Toys Collection, Convention in the Philippines & Beyond

21 February, 2012


Mikado Ryugamine is a young man who longs for the exciting life of the city. At the invitation of his childhood friend Masaomi Kida, decided to move to a school in Ikebukuro, Tokyo.
Masaomi warns about people who should not cross in the city: a violent man dressed as a waiter, a merchant of information, and a mysterious band called "Dollars". To make matters worse, Mikado is witnessing an urban legend on his first day in the city: The black motorcyclist who allegedly is the driver of a motorcycle headless black.

The so-called color bands abound in this place: Scarves yellow , blue squares , and a group that in recent times took a lot of popularity and caused fear in people, colorless group, the " Dollars ". Many rumors are on this group, apparently recruit people through a website . To be colorless, many people call themselves members of the band without actually being so, causing unrest among the local population. The narrative is all the characters equally, showing how their lives intersect, creating a larger pattern of what each character knows about a common incident.

Durarara Characters:

Mikado Ryuugamine

Mikado Ryugamine
He is a freshman in high school who moved to Ikebukuro with the support of his best friend, Masaomi Kida, to seek adventure and extraordinary people. His greatest fear is to have a normal life. He is striving to change its image, but so far no luck, although he is charged with the courage to become the representative of the group along with the girl of his dreams, Anri. Mikado has moments that really speaks his mind, which is one reason why Masaomi admires. He is the creator of Dollars. Sonohara Anri is in love, but never found the opportunity to tell him, and he is about to do so.

Masaomi Kida

Masaomi Kida
He is a resident of Ikebukuro and Ryūgamine Mikado best friend since childhood. He encouraged to live in Ikebukuro. Is a fan of "flirting", but it often fails. Masaomi was depressed and lonely before you came Mikado because his girlfriend was kidnapped and injured during a gang war between the Blue and Tissue Boxes yellow, to which he directed. After Anri is injured during the incidents caused by the cutter and the growing presence of Dollars, is forced to become the leader of the Yellow Scarves again. Despise Izaya Orihara, by the manipulation that kept him under when it formed yellow scarves, but returns to it again for information about the leader of the Dollars and discovers Mikado.

Anri Sonohara

Anri Sonohara
She is a girl with glasses who attends the same school as Mikado and Masaomi. Along with Mikado, she is the representative of the class. It is very quiet and shy, but seems very close to Kida and Mikado, tends to be locked. Although she knows what Kida and Mikado feel for it, believes it is unable to feel "love" to one or the other. She is very pretty and has a lot of chest, making it popular somehow, even though she feels uncomfortable about it. You could say that being "harassed" by a teacher. It feels like I should turn to someone to go on, and is considered a parasite . Instead of Niekawa Haruna, Anri is revealed as the true owner of the sword "Saika" and shows great control over her as she does not possess. This is because experience trauma during childhood, when his mother killed his abusive father and then herself with a Saika.

Celty Sturluson

Celty Sturluson
She is the heroine of the series. Also known as "The Black Rider" or "The Headless Horseman" is a Dullahan from Ireland , who came to Japan in search of his head stolen. Her bike is really a horse disguise. She has no heart and perceives through sensors that are not unknown in the head. The physical strength he possesses is superior to that of humans, but not exceeding that of Shizuo Heiwajima. It is also capable of handling a shadow as to form solid objects at will, ranging from gloves for the bike to a scythe .

Izaya Orihara

Izaya Orihara
He is a young man who sells information for their own enjoyment and the main antagonist . States that "loves" the whole human race except Heiwajima Shizuo because he is always surrounded by friends despite having a 'beast brain' and can rely on people unlike himself Izaya, who is always alone. He attended the Academy Raira with Shizuo, Shinra and Kadota. According Shinra Izaya and Shizuo hated with passion almost from the moment they met. He is a master of parkour , and also very handy with his knife .

Shizuo Heiwajima

Shizuo Heiwajima
He is a man who always wears sunglasses and uniform waiter . Although a quiet man, gets angry easily and has incredible strength. Despite their fighting skills simple and unrefined, is considered the strongest fighter in the area. In addition, Shizuo is able to move so doing parkour experienced as a result of spending years chasing Izaya with the firm intention of killing him. He is a member of the Dollars. He works as a bodyguard of a debt collector in Ikebukuro.

Shinra Kishitani

Shinra Kishitani
He is a young doctor who lives with Celty underground and maintains a relationship with her. Is most of the time indoors, wearing a white lab coat, even when not working as a doctor. He went to the same elementary school and Izaya Shizuo, and has since been interested in the unlimited power Shizuo when in anger , and a friend of Izaya. He also enjoys some time in the constant fighting between Shizuo and Izaya. His father is a doctor, and has participated in surgery with him since childhood, especially in a vivisection to Celty.

Durarara Trailer


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