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13 July, 2011

Slam Dunk - Hanamichi Sakuragi

The heroine of the series is a disobedient student (Hanamichi Sakuragi) with a long record of erotic failures because of not being on the basketball team from the Institute.
This causes Hanamichi has trauma with this sport. However, everything changes, the day that changes Institute and meets the Haruko, a lovely girl who encouraged him to join the basketball team. Little by little he discovers an innate talent to become an athlete and leader of his team, the Shohoku. All for love!
anime slam dunk
The anime plot of the sequence is reaching the final of national championship institutes, which has not managed the Shohoku Team neck and at this point the team has five players out series. They will do?
Slam Dunk Characters:

Hanamichi Sakuragi
He is rebellious by nature and does not have a good reputation. Costs are nothing getting into conflicts and fights, but his strength and endurance allow you to leave always winning.
Its characteristic hair and not be of the basketball team his fame with the girls be nefarious, more than 50 girls have given him pumpkin. However, when by chance he meets the sister of the captain of the basketball team from the Institute Shohoku, and falls madly for her, do not hesitate to join the team of the Institute and hence started to become a great player virtually from scratch and just to impress her.

Haruko Akagi
She is the little sister of the captain of the basketball team, Takenori Akagi. It is a very sweet and nice girl and isn't strange Hanamichi has fallen from it. It is a great lover of basketball, but also is in love with another player on the team, Rukawa, one of the best players and most attractive for the Shohoku Team.

Takenori Akagi
He is the captain of the basketball team of the Shohoku Institute and the platonic love of Hanamichi, the Haruko big brother. He is one of the highest players of the team and one of the good ones of l' State, along with Jin, Sendoh, Rukawa and Maki. His basketball takes very seriously, for it is more than a hobby and would like to become a professional in the sport. At first glance it seems very hard and strict, but in reality, has a very good heart and loves to help his friends.  His dream is to win the national championship in basketball by institutes, but to get it knows that all players of your team have to give the maximum, especially Hanamichi.

Kaede Rukawa
He is a fairly solitary and antisocial, just think of sleep and in basketball. It is one of the best players in the first year of the State. His skills with the ball are unbeatable. He has a fan club that you encourage all parties but Rukawa of very cold and not care much about. Like that doesn't mind the Haruko love for him, this fall ill with Hanamichi understood not as the Haruko may be in love with a boy so proud and believed.

Ryota Miyagi
He is the most quietly team and one of the best defenders in the State of Kanagawa. Like Hanamichi, he also began to play basketball for love. When he entered the Institute fall a coach the Ayako and since then has not missed any training. It has great agility, speed, technique and jumping ability. He does not have much success with the girls, and this becomes a great friend of Hanamichi.

Hisashi Mitsui
He is one of the most valuable players of the secondary school (before moving to the Institute). Their throw triple is infallible and feared by their rivals.
Despite the fact, that physics is not in full because of an injury apart two years of basketball courts, continues to be an essential element of his team. He is proud and very intelligent, but a little sad. Coach Anzai trust fully in him, despite his past "bus ca-rezones" forming part of a youth gang during the two years of injury, and it was coaching Anzai, who manages to return to get into the world of basketball and take the last opportunity to get the National Championship.

Kiminobu Kogure
He is the easy-going and always encouraging to Sakuragi in their attempts to improve. If Akagi is the pillar on which rests on the Shohoku, he is who Akagi is supported, the head of the Shohoku. He is the mediator of the team. It is always in the midst of all the conflicts to pacify them. Their role in the team is secondary, but he assumed without any problem.

coach anzai
Mitsuyoshi Anzai
He is the coach of the Shohoku, in his younger years was known as "white-haired Devil" due to its intensity on the bench and hard that made it work to his players, after the death of one of their players (Yazawa) for not following his advice. He completely changed attitude and came to be known as "the Buddha of the white-haired" for your peace of mind on the bench that rarely moved. The respect with which you deal with all the players and above all, coaches from rival teams contrast with the continuous "old," "chubby."

slamdunk ayako
She is the manager of the Shohoku and the girl who loves Ryota. It is responsible for improving the basic skills of Sakuragi and, curiously. This always treated with absolute respect. At the beginning of the manga, Ayako is the comic counterpoint to the series, always in the company of more serious like Akagi and Kogure players or thrusting with Haruko, Sakuragi and Rukawa to who knows of her previous school. Since the advent of Ryota, Ayako is changing the other mainstay of the team along with Akagi.

Akira Sendou
He is a great basketball player from Ryonan that controls every facet of the game, is curiously a bit longer and usually does not reach the sites before time, but in e field changes completely and his companions have blind faith in its possibilities when Sendo is on track.

slamdunk maki
Shinichi Maki
He is considered the best player of Kainan. Sakuragi called old due to his appearance - to what Maki replied that Akagi appears to be older than him.

Slam Dunk Trailer


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1 comment:

  1. Hi! where did you get those images? :D are there more? 'cause they're numbered... thanks in advance! <3
