First, it is exclusively for nintedo games. Second, it is design for interactive gaming lifestyle. and Third It is for social gamers.
1st: Here are the list of Top Nintendo Games:
Super Mario Bros.

Mario Kart

Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Legend of Zelda

2nd: Interactive gaming requires also additional conntroller to make it more realistic.
Wii motion plus controller
Wii Fit Plus balance pad

guitar and drums

Wii Wheel

Gun attachment


Light Saber Sword attachment
Wii Dance Mat

Dance Dance REvolution Hottest Party Wii
It also the same as previous dance game, but now on wii you need to use the wiimote and nunchunk for hand movement.
3rd: Social gaming experience because much of the games are for family and friends.
You can access thru wii homebrew online or in wifi.

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