Rokuaka, is a series of Japanese light novels written by Tarou Hitsuji and illustrated by Kurone Mishima. The manga, designed by Aosa Tsunemi, began its pre-publication in the March 26, 2015 issue of Monthly Shounen Ace. The series also receives an anime TV adaptation by Liden Films which is broadcast in Japan since April 2017.
The story revolves around Sistine Fibel, a noble magician and her best friend Rumia Tingel. These go to the well-known magic academy of Fejite, hoping to solve the mystery of the enigmatic Celestial Castle of Mergalius. However, a replacement instructor, Glenn Radars, who is rather lazy and incompetent, suddenly takes charge of the Sistine class. When he desires, the essence of all types of magic is taught at the academy.
The story revolves around Sistine Fibel, a noble magician and her best friend Rumia Tingel. These go to the well-known magic academy of Fejite, hoping to solve the mystery of the enigmatic Celestial Castle of Mergalius. However, a replacement instructor, Glenn Radars, who is rather lazy and incompetent, suddenly takes charge of the Sistine class. When he desires, the essence of all types of magic is taught at the academy.